Expert Tips: How to Calm Your Dog When Visiting the Vet

26.07.2023 23:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:24

Photo: Pixabay

According to a study published in Frontiers in Pain Research, it's important for dog owners to think about pet anxiety in a veterinary setting.

How to take your dog to the vet

At the appointment with the veterinarian, be sure to take your passport and the passport of the animal, which contains information about vaccinations and their schedule, about the name of the drugs. If your pet does not have documents, you can apply for a veterinary passport in our veterinary clinic.

Why are animals afraid of the vet

As a rule, the animal has only three reasons for such a feeling: It is afraid of the unusual situation in the clinic; He had already had a bad experience undergoing veterinary procedures; It is not socialized, it is difficult for him to communicate with strangers and other pets, and in the clinic there is an abundance of both.

What can you give your dog to calm down

If your pet is so afraid of the veterinarian that his behavior is generally impossible to control, then consult with a doctor - he may prescribe a medicine for your dog that will help relieve stress. But just be sure to talk about it with a specialist, do not self-medicate.

To rid your dog of his fear of noise, you can use food that he enjoys eating as a primary tool. By combining what they really like with a situation that is uncomfortable for them, we will turn all the negative emotions, on the contrary, into a positive experience.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. How to take your dog to the vet
  2. Why are animals afraid of the vet
  3. What can you give your dog to calm down