Understanding your climate: Gardening tips

27.11.2023 20:50
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:22

Climate plays a huge role for gardening - it's one of the most important conditions for every plant to thrive.

In the USA, you can find different types of climate, so you can't grow the same plant anywhere in the country.

Let's find out how to understand the climate of your region.

Know Your Seasons

Understand the different seasons in your area. There's spring, summer, fall, and winter. Each season has its own weather patterns.

Temperature Matters

Check the average temperatures during each season. Some plants like it warm, while others prefer cooler weather.


Sun and Shade

Notice how much sunlight different parts of your garden get. Some plants love lots of sun, while others do better in the shade.

Rainfall and Watering

Pay attention to how much rain your area usually gets. If it's not much, you might need to water your plants more.

Frost and Freeze

Find out if your area gets frost or freezes in the winter. Some plants can't handle the cold, so it's good to know if this happens.

Local Plant Favorites

Check out what plants grow well in your neighborhood. Local plants often do better because they're used to the climate.

Soil Type

Look at the type of soil in your garden. Some plants like sandy soil, while others prefer soil with more clay.

Ask Experienced Gardeners

Talk to people who have been gardening in your area for a while. They can share their experiences and give you helpful tips.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Know Your Seasons
  2. Temperature Matters
  3. Sun and Shade
  4. Rainfall and Watering
  5. Frost and Freeze
  6. Local Plant Favorites
  7. Soil Type
  8. Ask Experienced Gardeners