Interior tips: Nail art salon at home

17.01.2024 23:20
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:21

If you're a nail artist who works from home, then you need a convenient and nice place to work.

A perfect home salon for a nail artist is not only modern, beautiful, and presentable, but also clean and advanced.

Here are a few tips on how to create one.

Choose a suitable area

Find a space in your home where you can set up your nail artist workspace. 

It could be a spare room, a corner of a room, or a dedicated table or desk.


Gather your supplies

Collect all the necessary supplies for your nail art. 

This may include nail polishes, brushes, nail files, cuticle pushers, cotton balls, and any other tools or decorations you use for nail art.

Organize your supplies

Keep your supplies organized and easily accessible. 

You can use containers, drawers, or small shelves to store and separate different items. 

This way, you'll be able to find what you need quickly during your nail art sessions.

Set up good lighting

Make sure your workspace has adequate lighting. 

Natural light is best, so if possible, set up your workspace near a window. 

If natural light is not available, use bright artificial lighting to ensure you can see the details of your nail art clearly.

Create a comfortable setup

Arrange a comfortable chair or stool to sit on during your nail art sessions. 

Consider using a cushion or a mat for additional comfort. 

It's important to have good posture and be at a comfortable height to work on your nails effectively.

Protect your work surface

Place a protective covering, such as a plastic tablecloth or a mat, on your work surface to catch any spills or nail polish drips. 

This will make it easier to clean up and protect your furniture or table.

Personalize your space

Add personal touches to make your workspace enjoyable and inspiring. 

You can include decorative items, plants, or pictures that make you feel motivated and happy while doing your nail art.

Previously, we talked about high ceilings.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Choose a suitable area
  2. Gather your supplies
  3. Organize your supplies
  4. Set up good lighting
  5. Create a comfortable setup
  6. Protect your work surface
  7. Personalize your space